If you’ve tried just about everything to get longer lashes, know you’re not alone—because we have, too. That’s why after years of trial and error we can hand on heart say lash extensions, which are semi-permanent fibers attached to your lashes, are the best 100% fool-proof way to make your lashes appear fuller, longer, and darker without compromising your natural lashes’ health and look (thanks to high-quality fibers like synthetic, silk or mink).
But lash extensions do need a little bit of extra TLC to extend their lifetime and protect your natural lashes underneath, so No.11 Spa lash queens Kyliegh …
In the spirit of summer, we asked No.11 Spa Beauty Insider Courtney McTaggart to create a trendy AF golden hour eye make-up look using Āether Beauty’s Summer Solstice palette.
This article is written in partnership with The Beach.
As a Caribbean-based spa we love the sun—it brightens our day and gives us that sun-kissed glow—but as skin experts we also know it can also cause irreversible damage to our skin, if we’re not careful.
With this in mind, we invited Caroline Key, the ultimate Cayman Islands beach babe and editor of The Beach travel & lifestyle ‘zine, and Holly Harding, surfer girl, holistic beauty expert and founder of the Hawaii-based organic skincare and supplement brand O’o Hawaii to a virtual facial where they discussed the surf, skincare and …